What is obesity?
Obesity is a multifactorial chronic disease defined by the existence of excess body fat that puts the individual health into risk. It is the most common form of malnutrition in the First World.
OBESITY is not only an aesthetic problem. There is a 3 times increased risk of mortality in obese patients than in non-obese subjects. In addition, obesity and even overweight predisposes and causes a number of inherent diseases that increase the risk of mortality, especially cardiovascular. OBESE patients live less time and also worse.
The increased body fat in obese patients causes a resistance to the action of insulin produced by the pancreas, which causes the onset of Type 2 DIABETES. DM condemn patients to chronic treatments with poor results and daily blood sugar controls that enslaves, making them dependent. Diabetes affects other body organs like eyes (diabetic retinopathy and blindness), kidneys (renal failure), the nervous system (diabetic neuropathy, sexual impotence), blood vessels (foot ulcers that may require limb amputations), etc. Diabetics live on average 10 years less than the non-diabetic.
The main causes of premature death are especially hypertension and cardiovascular diseases as well as mortality from accidents as they are less alert, less mobile and are more vulnerable to physical hazards.
Obesity is the cause of 10% of deaths in Spain and accounts for 7% of spending Spanish Health Services.
Currently, OBESITY is considered The EPIDEMIC of the XXI CENTURY.